About Zeon Ventures

Investing for an Eternal Earth

We invest in the materials and technologies to make life on earth more sustainable, healthy, and prosperous for all.

About Zeon Ventures

The origin of the name Zeon is derived from a combination of the Greek words “GEO” (Earth) and “EON” (Eternity).

Our vision at Zeon Ventures is to back ambitious entrepreneurs developing innovative technologies for the health and prosperity of our planet and the people who live on it.

Zeon Ventures is backed by Zeon Corporation, a multinational elastomer, polymer and specialty materials company. Zeon Corporation has a 70 year history of developing original technologies and creating numerous unique products that cannot be imitated by any other company.

Our Investment Themes

Sustainable Planet

Human Health

Amplified Intelligence

Our Investment Themes

Sustainable Planet

Human Health

Amplified Intelligence

Our Investment Themes

Sustainable Planet

Human Health

Amplified Intelligence

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Our Investment Themes

Sustainable Planet

Human Health

Amplified Intelligence

About Zeon Ventures

The origin of the name Zeon is derived from a combination of the Greek words “GEO” (Earth) and “EON” (Eternity).

Our vision at Zeon Ventures is to back ambitious entrepreneurs developing innovative technologies for the health and prosperity of our planet and the people who live on it.

Zeon Ventures is backed by Zeon Corporation, a multinational elastomer, polymer and specialty materials company. Zeon Corporation has a 70 year history of developing original technologies and creating numerous unique products that cannot be imitated by any other company.

Our team is based in Silicon Valley and invests globally in ingenious startups creating innovations for an eternal earth

Our team is based in Silicon Valley and invests globally in ingenious startups creating innovations for an eternal earth

Zeon Ventures Team

We are a team of experienced investors, engineers, and business development experts dedicated to unlocking commercial potential, creating synergies and accelerating the growth of our portfolio companies.

Our team is based in Silicon Valley and invests globally in ingenious startups creating innovations for an eternal earth

About Zeon Ventures

The origin of the name Zeon is derived from a combination of the Greek words “GEO” (Earth) and “EON” (Eternity).

Our vision at Zeon Ventures is to back ambitious entrepreneurs developing innovative technologies for the health and prosperity of our planet and the people who live on it.

Zeon Ventures is backed by Zeon Corporation, a multinational elastomer, polymer and specialty materials company. Zeon Corporation has a 70 year history of developing original technologies and creating numerous unique products that cannot be imitated by any other company.